Definition of HRM
HRM ( Human Resource Management ) is the science and art of regulating labor relations and roles efficiently and effectively in order to reach a common goal , employees and society .

According to Pearl S. Panggabean
HRM is a process consisting of planning , organizing , leadership and control activities related to job analysis , job evaluation , procurement , pengembngan , compensation , promotion and termination of employment for
achieve its intended purpose .

From the above definition , by Pearl S. Panggabaean that , activities in the field of human resources can be viewed from two perspectives , that of the work and of the workers .

Operational functions of HRM
Operational function in Human Resource Management is the basic ( basic ) implementation of HRM processes are efficient and effective in achieving the goals of the organization / company . Operational functions are divided 5 ( five ) , briefly as follows :
a. Procurement is the process of withdrawal function , selection, placement , orientation , and induction to get employees that fit the needs of the company. ( The right man in the right place ) .
b . Development function is the process of improving the technical skills , theoretical , conceptual , and morale of employees through education and training . Education and training should be given according to the needs of the present job and future .
c . Compensation function is the provision of fringe benefits directly and indirectly in the form of money or goods to employees as compensation ( output ) rendered to the company . The principle of compensation is fair and worthy of achievement and responsibility of the employee .
d . The integration function is to unite the interests of the company activities and the needs of employees , so as to create a harmonious cooperation and mutual benefit . Where integration is an important and difficult in HRM , because together the two aspiration / opposite interests between employees and the company .
e . Maintenance functions are activities to maintain or improve the physical, mental and loyalty of employees in order to create long-term relationships . Good maintenance is done by the program K3 ( Occupational Health and Safety ) .

Human Resource Management is needed to improve the effectiveness of human resources in organisasi.Tujuannya is giving the organization an effective working unit . To achieve this goal , the study of management personnel will demonstrate how the company should acquire , develop , use , evaluate , and maintain employees in the amount ( quantity ) and type ( quality ) . Human resource management is a process of dealing with various problems on the scope of the employee , employees , workers , managers and other workers to be able to support the activities of the organization or company to achieve its intended purpose . Part or unit which usually take care of tablespoons is a human resources department or in English is called HR or human resource department . According A.F. Stoner human resource management is an ongoing procedure that aims to supply an organization with the right people to be placed in the proper position and the position when the organization needs it .

The objectives of HRM consists of four objectives , namely :
1 . Organizational Objectives
Intended to recognize the existence of human resource management ( HRM ) in contributing to the achievement of organizational effectiveness . Although formally a department of human resources created to help managers , yet managers remain responsible for the performance of employees . Human resources department assist managers in dealing with matters related to human resources .
2 . Functional Objectives
Intended to maintain contributions at the departmental level appropriate to the needs of the organization . Human resources become worthless if the human resource management has a lower criterion level organizational needs .
3 . Social purpose
Intended for ethically and socially responsive to the needs and challenges of society through actions minimize the negative impact on the organization . The failure of an organization to use its resources for the benefit of society can cause obstacles .
4 . Personal Objectives
Intended to assist employees in achieving its objectives , the minimum objectives that can enhance individual contribution to the organization . Personal goals of employees should be considered if parakaryawan should be retained , retired , or motivated . If the goal is not to be considered personal , performance and employee satisfaction and employee can decline to leave the organization .
HRM is a Human Element

In the book Human Resource Management by Malay SP Hasibuan in 2006 , HRM organize and establish staffing program that covers the following issues :
1 . Setting the number , quality and setting an effective workforce in accordance with company requirements based on the job description , job specification , job requirements , and job evaluation .
2 . Setting a withdrawal , selection, and placement of employees is based on the principle of the right man in the right place and the right man in the right job .
3 . Establish welfare programs , development , promotion and dismissal
4 . Predicting demand and supply of human resources in the future
5 . Estimating the state of the economy in general and in particular the development of the company .
6 . Closely monitor labor laws and policies granting remuneration similar companies
7 . Monitor the progress of engineering and development of trade unions
8 . Implement education , training and employee performance appraisal
9 . Setting the mutation employees both vertical and horizontal
10 . Adjusting the retirement , dismissal and pesangaonnya .
Recognized the role of HRM is crucial for the realization of the goal , but to lead the human element is very difficult and complicated .

My Opinion :
Human Resource Management is an element of HRM . Human labor in addition to capable , competent , and skilled , is also important and the seriousness of their willingness to work effectively and efficiently . Capabilities and skills of employees is less meaningful when not accompanied morale and discipline of employees in realizing the goal .

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