Why do I choose management

Nama              : Annisa Rafida
Npm                : 11213152
Kelas               : 4EA11
Mata Kuliah  : Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 (Tugas 4)
Dosen              : Herlina Lindaria Simanjuntak

-          Why do I choose management
               At the beginning I was educated at the University, I want to be able to enter the State University, not because the cost is cheap, the cost is relative in my opinion. But I used to think that lectures at State University can guarantee my career in the future. As time goes by, I am not accepted at the State University as I see fit. Finally, my parents advised me to take at Gunadarma University. My parents' view, education everywhere, depends on each of us in running it. Many of my parents' friends were studying at Gunadarma University and all were quite successful after graduating from college. But back again to ourselves each can compete in finding a job after college.
               Long story short, I enrolled at Gunadarma University. At the time I enrolled, there are two majors that I take the Management and Psychology. The reason I choose the two majors is, the first choice is Psychology, the reason is, I think if I choose this department, the position in the world of work a bit that requires workforce in companies with background Psychology majors and competitors later after I graduate from college in the world work.
               Then the second choice is Management because I graduated from SMEA with Department of Administration Office, then it is better if I continue to multiply my knowledge in the world related to the Economy. I personally say that Majamenen is a versatile science, not just for the world of work, in everyday life was the science can be used.
               Finally selected the Department of Economic Management by me. And until now, alhamdulillah I enjoy the decision that I have chosen to continue my education in Management majors.


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